Fair and Honest
Our Prices
The Ortonville Cemetery believes in fair and transparent pricing. We have both plots and columbarium niches available.
General Information
There will be no burial or stones set on a grave site until purchase of the lot/Columbarium Niche is complete.
All gravestone foundations shall be installed by Ortonville Cemetery Personnel.
Veteran Markers are $100 flat rate installed , otherwise foundations are $175 base fee + $0.50/square inch.
Saturday funerals and cremations will incur an additional fee of $200.
All Sunday and Holiday Services are charged double the standard opening and closing prices.
Deed transfers have a fee of $35.00 per transfer.
For foundation pricing, please contact the Sexton at 248-627-8413. Prices deemed reliable, but subject to change.
Memorial Stones and Trees – see the Sexton for details and ordering.
Grave Plots
Single Grave Site $600
Payable within two years or ownership will return to the Cemetery association for non-payment
Two internments per grave site are allowed. One full burial and a cremation or two cremated remains.
Additional Services
Opening and Closing of a grave burial $1250
Opening and closing of a cremation burial$400
Opening and closing of two cremation burials$500
– Optional tent and chairs to above cremation(s)+$400
Chapel use only $100
Columbarium Niches
Single (Bookcase) niche, top four locations $800
Single (Bookcase) niche, bottom two locations $700
Second opening/closing $200
Engraving of Niche Cover Door $185
– Optional additional engraving symbols$50
Disinterment of Cremated Remains$500
- Each niche allows for two cremations
- Niches are stacks six high in sixteen rows
- Each purchase includes first opening/closing